Odds Comparison Posted:
8th Dec 2005

What is an Odds Checker/Comparison service?
Simply it allows you to compare the prices offered by a range of bookmakers and even sometimes betting exchanges.

Will I need to set up separate accounts?
Yes in nearly every case you will need to open a new account to place a bet with the bookmaker.

Should I use these services?
Betting successfully (i.e., consistently making a profit) is not easy at the best of times but so many punters make it even harder for themselves. Besttipping can help you by finding the best tipsters, but you still need then to ensure you find the best price quickly and this is the job of the odds comparison services.

Which service should I use?
We have listed below some of the main ones. Each has its own look and feel and to some extent it is what site you like best. Some will not list all the bookmakers so it is important to use the site that covers all the bookmakers and exchanges you want to use/have accounts with.


Odds Checker




Odds Exchange




Odds Explorer





Bet 2 go